Najprv k jazyku... som zúfalá. Na jednej strane väčšina z vás chce angličtinu (a prikláňam sa ku vám)
Na druhej strane Maruš má u mňa minimálne desať hlasov a tým jednoznačne prevažuje slovenčina.
Ak mám byť úprimná, s japončinou som sa dávno nestretla, už to budú dva roky...
Ale ešte si pamätám niečo. Moje obmedzené vedomosti...
Francúzština, tam by veľa ľudí nerozumelo, ja by som prišla o nervy a trvalo by to dlho.
Maďarčina, tam je to tak ako s tou japončinou, iba foneticky a slovná zásoba... veselá.
Proste základy + pár frázičiek.
Tieto tri jazyky, to viem "trošku" málo na články.
Skutočnou možnosťou bola len tá angličtina a slovenčina... a ja sa neviem rozhodnúť :(Jediné, čo som vymyslela je, že zatiaľ vám napíšem prvé dva dni, jeden po slovensky, jeden po anglicky a budem dúfať, že mi to pomôže rozhodnúť sa. Držte palce.
Sooo... day Two.
I decided to go for the second day, but include the first one too. There is not much to be told about the first one. I have no idea.
What could you be possibly interested in?
His name: Rado.
How he looks: brown hair and brown eyes, not very tall, and as I would say now, ugly. He looks much worse than he used to. He is total idiot, I know that and the reason I'm saying it is not him being my ex. It's just true.
End of story.
So, to the second day: Drunken story time.
Well, I decided to write about a school trip. It was the last trip my previous class had and since it was a night in a cottage, we thought we could get drunk together. We have never done that before which was caused by our aversion to each other. But we thought that that trip was our last chance to try to be friends.
So our teacher went to bed at 10 pm and we got drunk. We were totally loud but she didn't notice until 4 am next day. I barely remember that night. I just know we were fangirling (and fanboying) over My little pony, one of our classmates kept apologizing whole night for everything he has done in the nine years we spent together, crying how horrible he was. He always cries when he's drunk. So I asked him whether I could slap him. It took him five minutes to respond. He kept talking how horrible he was and how much he deserved it.
Anyway, he allowed me to slap him and I did so. I loved that! So I asked him to slap him again and he allowed me... I kept on slapping for hours! Over and over again.
-May I slap you one more time.
-Sure! I deserve that, kill me, I shall be punished for all I've ever done...
He was just hilarious. Pathetic, but hilarious.
I remember we made a Good mood club. Club for all those who weren't drunk that much (existence of this club gives a hint how drunk we actually were).
Then we played "Truth or dare", which became only Truth as soon as none of us was able to stand.
We had different rules, so girls kept asking boys and boys asked girls.
Like one question from girls, but all of the boys had to answer it.
My favourite part was the one when two of my classmates decided to hug everyone. About million times. I have no idea why, but I was scared of them and they insisted on hugging me.
And there was this guy, he was a year younger than the rest of our class and the only one not to drink. He was scared of us. After realizing that we all felt guilty and most of us cried.
I have no idea why, but since then we call him The sun.
I loved it. I am sorry I can't tell more but I really don't remember. i know it doesn't sound funny, but it was a laugh.
The Huntresses tomorrow :* I love you
Takže. Ja som za angličtinu, lebo aj keď rozumiem len asi trištvrtku, chcem sa zlepšovať v nej :D a aj zároveň by to bolo také .. suché v slovenčine :)
ReplyDeleteNo.... teda... po anglicky som ti tam rozumela ani nie polovicu, ale súhlasím so Sarah. Možno sa takto v tej angličtine zlepším, takže hlasujem za ňu :)
ReplyDeleteto som tu jediná ktorá rozumie lepšie ked je to v angličtine ako v slovenčine ? :D niektoré veci sa jednoducho nedajú napísat v slovenčine tak aby vyzneli ..dobre ..a nenávidím slovenčinu -_- takže jednoznačne angličtina .
ReplyDeletetak prečo ty píšeš po slovensky? hm?
Deletecelé si to vystihla úplne presne (až mi to je divné)
pretože som napísala že lepšie rozumiem po anglicky a nie že lepšie píšem po anglicky ..to by bolo chýb .. a ty čo tu do mna skáčeš ako keby ti tu ten blog patril ! :D
Deletetak píšem opäť, nech mám hlasov dvadsať! :D Froňěková nech nemachruje, nech mi radšej aj občas napíše, pokecáme o hokeji a nech sa schová!!! :D :D mi-lu-jem články slo-ven-sky!!! :D takže SLOVENČINA! tam je to jasné a presné! :D
ReplyDeletebtw .mäkčeň je iba nad "e" :D
Deletevždy radšej viac môkčeňov ako menej :D
Deletenazdar Zifčáková .:D o hokeji sa bavit asi nebudeme môct lebo by som sa asi neovládala . dneska dúfam že vyhrá Slovensko alebo Fínsko . :D :D tak píš ty články po slo-ven-sky ! všetky čítatelky na to čakajú .a budeš spokojná aj ty :D ANGLIČTINA ! :D
ReplyDeletePočúvaj ma ty krava :D :D :D ja viem kde v tvojom mene sa píše mäkčeň!!! to jak keď ty mi povieš Marrieta :D :D :D
Deleteale ved ty si MARRIETA !!!!!!!!!! nezahovoríš to proste .je neskoro .a jaka som ti ja krava ? O.o TWAT ! :D
DeleteAngličtina. Súhlasím, tiež sa chcem zlepšovať a rozumela som skoro všetko :)