Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Day 8

Task for today: Screenshot your desktop. 

Here we go.

The background photo is one of two dance groups I love. As visible in left bottom corner, Black Rebels.
Black and Rebels. I am member of Black. I know we look like one group. We sort of are. We work together, we make choreography together. We cooperate a lot. The photo was taken in Gbely, where one dance competition took place. The choreography is called "Žiť si svoj sen", but we nicknamed it "Farmár hľadá ženu" Because of the clothes. We had to improvise cause we had been having problems with our costumes. And these shirts bring this name.

What else should I describe? The icons on the left. I don't know if you can see the names. I found something like this posted on one Harry Potter fandom page and I fell in love with it. Naming icons by names of Harry Potter places or things.
So, from the top:
Marauders' map (This computer)
Recycle bin which should be named Azkaban but PC don't let me change it :(
Owlery (Skype)
1D floo network (1D themed internet browser)
Chamber of secrets (My documents)
Floo network (google chrome)
Pensieve (windows media player)
And then there is some photo I forgot to place elsewhere. I guess it's the dream catcher from yesterdays's post.

Last thing you can see is iTunes on my taskbar. I was listening to Ron Pope's cover of Somebody that I used to know.

The end
Hope u enjoyed it

1 comment:

  1. To je úplne super, ako letíš na Potterovi, a máš všetko z toho tak pomenované <3 škoda, že som rozumela asi 3 slovám :DD
