Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Day six

Task for today: Name the TV show you became addicted to.

I really have no idea what I am going to talk about. Just give you two name and that's it?

It's The Vampire Diaries (everyone knows this series, right?) And I am team Damon. Another fans there? Team Stefan or team Damon? Let me know please.

And the other one is How I Met Your Mother. Awesome series. I love Barney! He is hilarious! 
Do you like it? Please let me know. I would love that


  1. I´m team Damon! Don´t kill me, but I don ´t like Stefan. And HIMYM, I saw maybe two parts, It´s not bad series, but I love Big bang theory. I can say It´s my favourite one. I fall in love with Sheldon, he is that much anoying, that if I knew him, I´d kill him.

  2. Team Alarick and Damon :3 :3 som pyšná na seba že som ta nakazila :D Števo je lúzer :D :)

  3. Nápodobne:D Team Damon a raz som si v jeden den pozrela tri série HIMYM. Naraz. Takže takto so mnou:D

  4. We absolutely love the same things ! :D I also love PLL too :) I love Barney and Stelena :)
