Friday, 8 February 2013

Day four

Question for today: Three things you want to say to different people.

I am not sure what exactly it expects me to do. I'm gonna do it anyway. By myself, by my own rules. Like that's something new for me. I always do everything by my own rules, don't I? You might have noticed there are two questions before the one I chose I haven't answered. My favourite band and book. C'mon, all of you know the answers. Here I am, running blog about 1D, writing fan-fictions about them. I think is obvious my favourite band is Desmod. (i am not big fan of them, but no offence) And I am sure I have mentioned many times I am proud to be HPfreak, Potterhead or whatever you call people like me. So I reckon these two questions are waste if time. 

I decided to write three different things to three different people. And I have had hard time choosing people to write to. However, one was clear for me from the very beginning. In spite of it that person is the last one. Sorry honey, you have to wait a bit.

To Maruš:
I love you, squirrel. I am so grateful for getting a chance to know you. Last summer would have been totally boring without us running and starting this blog. Our "kiddo". Proud daddy, aren't you? I loved our up all nights. Writing, helping each other and then reading other's work. And the times we have been changing design, discussing all day colours, patterns, backgrounds... Looking for pictures and always repairing the things that weren't perfect. Our long conversations. Discovering how alike we were. Every time one of us said anything other was like: OMG really? me too! :) I loved that. I still love it. I can't imagine not knowing you. Thank you for everything. 


This one was a real trouble. Who do i want to tell something? There are many people, none of them the right one. However, I decided to write to someone I hate. All this thing isn't about the person reading it, is it? I guess no. Well, I want to write this one to someone who will never find this. Someone, who i will never tell what I actually think about him. And this is kinda thing to make me feel better. To write somewhere what I think about him. 
So, to Mišo:
fine, this is not gonna work, sorry :( I can't write it to him. Instead I'm going to write you about him. Makes no difference, it's just easier for me to write.
He calls himself our boss. (aby sa pochopilo, to je môj triedny, strašný debil) Of course, we don't call him with this nickname (Mišo). Just when we gossip. Which is really often. He's the kind of person I hate the most. I have no idea what to think about him. One day he looks like the best teacher ever, makes jokes almost nobody gets (I'm lucky to be one of the few who can understand him), he is nice to us. He acts like I and Klaudia (girl sitting next to me, my best friend, most amazing person ever...) are his favourite students, he lets us talk all class long, he doesn't care about us but yells at everyone else talking while we are free to do anything we feel like doing. And then, other day he gives us test with his screwed rules which is no one able to do well. And he is totally happy that we had failed and he can give us bad marks. He is so satisfied, you should see that smile and look on his big face. He has abnormally big head. We call him bighead because of that. Or, more often, dickhead. Last time he came to our class and was really nice was the day before he gave us our tests back. I am sure he already knew the marks and was freaking happy that we did so badly. Even when it is not one of the days he yells more than normally or gives us tests, I hate his classes, not knowing what to expect. 


To Klaudia:
I really appreciate that you are still my friend. You have every single right to just kick my ass(arse, butt, bum... many options especially for you), to say you never want to talk to me again. No one would blame you. Many would most probably understand it. However, you are still here by my side and that means sooooo much to me. I know I've been such a... (can't find the right word. Something meaning the same as dick, just meant for a girl. Bitch? Doesn't sound right to me. I have no idea, but I am sure you can find the right word...). Everyone knows that. Saying things I shouldn't. Doing things I shouldn't either. And then coming back and apologizing. And over and over again. Circles, we're going in circles, dizzy's all it makes us... You know the song, don't you? I have no idea how did it come to my mind. It just... appeared out of nowhere. Same mistakes. The name says everything. I am doing the same silly things again and saying I am sorry. Circle... Does it ever end? No just by itself. There has to be something that can interrupt the cycle and give person chance to decide whether he wants to continue or escape the circle. I chose the opportunity to change everything, to change myself and escape the never-ending circle. Wish me luck please. And I guess you might want to know that I'd changed the name of your cell's number in my phone. No bitch anymore. I promise I'll change. I love you. Knowing you means so much to me. It's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I don't know if you see it like I do, but I cannot imagine how would everything be in this very moment if we had not met. 

The end :)
I love you guys


  1. napísla si to prekrásne :)) teším sa na ďalšiu :))

  2. Napáda ma taká inteligentná reakcia, že: Ty brďo :D :D ale nie :) Bod č.1- rozumela som, šetkému! :D Bod č.2- začala som zbožnovať slovo "kiddo" :D Bod č.3- tiež som strašne rada že sme sa spoznali :) Bod č.4- všetky tie veci čo si vymenovala, čo sme vymysleli, boli alebo sú úžasné ;) :D Bod č.5- ani neviem, ktoré bolo naše najlepšie UAN, ty áno? :D Bod č.6- pamätáš ako sme sa raz smiali na všetkých tích debilinách a zážikoch aj keď to tu malo asi 4 mesiace? :D strašne som sa smiala :D Bod č.7- je super, keď sa dohodujeme na vzhľade :) také fajn chvíľe, aj keď som asi náročná a všetko robíš ty, sou sorry :) ..a Bod č.8- ja ti vlastne ďakujem za možnosť spoznať Klaudiu :D lebo s Klaudiou sme na 1oo piču rodina! :DDD a keď nie, tak budúca :P (ona vie :D) ..Kika, si fakt super, aj Klaudie je :) moja 2. najobľúbenejšia Klaudia, čo ju teší, aj keď Merkelová v skutočnosti nie je Klaudia, ani Silvia, ale Angela :DDDDD dobre už som odveci :) ešte som chcela, že ma mrzí, že si už tak často nepíšeme a nevedieme tie dlhokánske rozhovory :)

  3. je to pekne napísané, škoda, že som rozumela tak tretinu z toho :D :( teším sa moc na deň 5, aj keď ani asi tomu nebudem rozumieť, ale budem sa snažiť :D aj keď som dosť lenivá, veď vieš :D
