Monday, 11 February 2013

Day five

Question for today: What do you want to be when you get older?

I've written you before I was going to change the order of questions, haven't I? I'll come back to previous questions later.

What do I want to be? When our teacher once asked us to write answers to this question on paper, I wrote "the inhabitant of London". I meant it and I still do. But I guess it wants me to write about my dream job. No idea? Nope, there are few, but none of them is likely to happen. I wanna be artist. Making art would make me happy, I know that. But there is no place in world of art for me. I am not good enough in anything. I hate that! I am good dancer, but many are great. I can draw, but many people draw better. I love writing, but there are many writers and I can never compare to any of them. These are things I love the most. Being professional in any of them would be just unbelievably perfect. But there is no chance for me to become artist. Not a tiny chance. I hate that! How cruel!

Isn't she perfect? That hair, headphones in her ears, painting, tattooed...

Then there is another idea. My friend and I, we talk about having our own publishing (not sure if that's the right word so forgive me if not). Not likely to happen either but a bit more possible. And if that won't work, we can work for some already known publishing. I would translate English and hopefully also French books. She would correct mistakes (and roll her eyes and yell at me for making them). And we would together discuss the cover. I would love that! She would live here, I would move to London, find books there and translated ones send her. Not a single imperfection there. Everything looks great. Maybe once I would try to publish something mine, who knows?

I love you
Have a nice day <4

1 comment:

  1. "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
    Walt Disney
    Maybe believe in yourself is sometimes enough. Yeah, there is a little change to became an artist, but still this change exists. And in London there are more possibilities to be who would like to be as U have there. I love dancing too, but I can say that your writing is unique and unbelieveble. And I hope that one day I will buy your book, beacause I am looking forward it right now. Cause U have imagination like nobody else. And I wish U the best on the journey where dreams become true. :) I am pretty sure that one day U will say with a smile on your lips : "I did it!" :)x
