Saturday, 2 February 2013

Day three

At first, there will be no more articles in French, that one from yesterday nearly killed me. :D It was just because of one great person.

Question for today: Five places you want to visit.

Place no. 1: PARIS
This all is gonna sound crazy. Of course, Paris is amazing city with many monuments and stuffs like that which all tourists want to see. I'd love to see them too, but that is not the main reason. Actually, I've always hated France and everything french. I've been studying French for almost nine years, five of it with the most horrible teacher ever. She looked like she was 3ooo years old and died 1oo years ago. Small, ugly, always yelling at us. She made everyone sick and scared. She made us feel like complete idiots. Whole school hated French just because of her. Just her name makes me sick and shiver. She actually never taught us anything. And once maybe two years ago we discovered we were better in French than her. She was making mistakes in almost every sentence, she couldn't answer any of our questions, no matter what we asked her. And believe me, we knew just a little. 
That's why I want to visit that city. Something like facing fear, but more to just get over all that hate and actually love that country and language. Because I believe there is lots of to love about it.

Place no. 2: Ireland
I have no idea why Ireland. There's something about it I love. I have no idea what that thing is actually. But it keeps calling me and I want pretty much to go there once. I just want to know how it feels to say 'I've been in Ireland'. And maybe I believe that I'd find leprechauns there and magical rainbow we can walk on. And ginger people! All that crazy stuff ever told about Ireland. I'd love to see it by myself.

Place no. 3: Hogwarts
I know that some of you can say that doesn't count or it's slightly silly. I don't care! I still believe my Hogwarts acceptance letter should have been delivered by some stupid owl that got lost. Seeing that place would be such an amazing thing, walking through(T) that castle, seeing all magical stuffs, spell books, portraits who talk to people going by. I don't think there is need to say more, everyone knows this place. This is place full of magic. And I believe in magic.

Place no. 4: Neverland
Another stupid one. But can you imagine? World, where Peter Pan lives, where you stay child forever and can never grow up? Where is no adult person to tell you what to do, to forbid things you want to do? I'd love to see that world, a little while would be enough. I think there is still child in me, one that will never leave. 

Place no. 5: Australia
Last one. Why Australia? I have no idea. I just love that place. I want to see it one day.

traveling ♥


  1. ja chcem ísť do londýna. to mesto si ma získalo a očarilo ma svojou krásou, históriu, eleganciou, pamiatkami a celkovým vzhľadom. paríž ma láka takisto, ale bývať by som tam nechcela. to mesto sa mi zdá až príliš nóbl. a to nie je pre mňa. a Hogwards ... to bol vždy môj sen. v tom úžasnom hrade s ostatnými. rovnako aj Neverland. fascinuje ma to, už len tým, že tieto miesta s 99%-nou pravdepodobnosťou ani neexistujú.

    1. ja som London nepísala naschvál, to majú byť mestá, ktoré chceme navštíviť :) a ja Londýn nechcem navštíviť, chcem tam bývať :)

  2. Ja chcem ísť do Východnej :D :D strašne moc túžim ísť do Východnej na festival! a aj idem, v lete, vlakom, s kámošmi! :D ak ti Klaudia zabudla povedať o Východnej, daj jej facku! :P ..potom chcem ísť do Ria, na karneval :D do New-Yorku, aj tam je nejaký sprievod, alebo také niečo, ja to viem -_- ale nespomeniem si, tak trepnem že na Halloween :D to máme 1,2,3.. miesta :D ..ešte chcem ísť k Anjelským vodopádom, do Venezueli :D o Španielsku nejdem vravieť, lebo to mám ako ty s Londýnom :P, no a to 5. miesto.. to som už videla ale strašne rada by som sa tam vrátila :) do Peschiery :)) ..najkrajší kút Talianska aký som videla :) a to som z toho Talianska už videla takmer všetko :D
